About Us
The Edisto Senior Center provides a collaborative environment for senior citizens, 60 years old and older, to socialize, create, engage, and learn. This center will open on Monday, May 2, 2022. The Center is designed to serve the diverse population of seniors on Edisto Island. It is anticipated to have a maximum capacity of 40 participants.
The National Council on Aging says “compared with their peers, senior center participants have higher levels of health, social interaction, and life satisfaction...” (Senior Center Fact Sheet).
Edie Dillé will serve as the Edisto Senior Center director. Edie retired to the Edisto community in 2021. The majority of her experience has been in higher education both as an administrator and as a teacher. In addition, she has served the seniors in her former community for a number of years. Edie attends Redeemer Fellowship Church.
The Edisto Senior Center is dependent on donations (and possibly some fundraising activities) to help with lunches for those who cannot afford the daily cost of $1.50. Donations will also help provide arts and craft materials. Edie and her team of volunteers will lead the various activities each day.
Expectations of Participants
Participants, guests, and volunteers are expected to treat everyone with respect, kindness, gentleness, and self-control at all times. While we will have fun playing games, over-aggression in competitiveness will not be tolerated.
Drugs and alcohol use are not permitted at the center. Intoxicated people will be required to leave.