Jacob’s Ladder Quilt Raffle

Raffle will run from Saturday, August 24, 2024, through Saturday, September 14, 2024. Winner will be announced at 5 p.m. on the 14th.

Buy a raffle ticket here: http://edistoseniors.betterworld.org/giveaways/jacobs-ladder-quilt-raffle

If you’d rather buy a ticket off-line, contact Edie Dille at edie.dille@gmail.com or Diane Leake at leakecarter@outlook.com. You can also stop by the Edisto Senior Center 1644 Hwy. 174 from 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. on Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday.

Our friend and local quilt artist Debbie Knoll of Edisto Island, SC, has custom made a beautiful Jacob’s Ladder quilt for us to raffle to raise the remaining funds we need for the set up of Ruthie’s home.

Debbie has been designing and making quilts for 20+ years.

Raising a Roof for Ruthie Mae Robinson

We are getting so close to finalizing this project. Ruthie’s mobile home arrived at Palmetto Homes in Beaufort, SC, late last week. The transporter will move the home to Ruthie’s homeplace sometime during the week of August 26. Then, we will get utilities connected, HVAC installed, and move Ruthie in to her new home.